Friday, January 29, 2010


姨姨 & dordor will be travel to Shanghai next week, so we asked them to sleep over at our home and let the two of you play more. There are times when Bernice didn't let go of her toy and share with dor dor, there are times when both of you laughed out so loud on silly things...there are times when you copy each other doing....! 2 silly little bum bum (s).
Mommy wasn't feeling well, so dizzy and muscle pain, hope that i am not getting a flu!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


囡囡係學校嘅表現有進歩. 又唔喊 , 老師讚囡囡好幫手! 囡囡肯幫其他小朋友着鞋, 派杯俾佢哋, 最犀利係囡囡記得邊隻杯係邊個小朋友!
囡囡仲話俾媽媽知小朋友嘅名添…爸爸媽媽感到非常安慰… !!我諗媽媽有時真係低估咗囡囡…嘻嘻!! 仲以為你仲適應緊學校生活和環境, 原來你已經一早搞奌咗!! Yeah叻女!!
希望囡囡朝早返學時唔好再喊啦!! 加油 !!!
Lately we didn't have much chance to take pictures at school!!!! =)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Up - the movie

Young Carl & Ellie and 1st encounter of Mr. Fredricksen & Russell.

The floating house

Can you tell Mr. Fredricksen's eyes that he has finally arrived Paradise Fall?

The incredible adventure at South Africa.

Bernice & papa are attracted by the movie.

Finally papa got the blu-ray movie - UP - a beautiful 3D animiation by Disney.
Up tells the story of 78-year-old balloon salesman Carl Fredricksen, who in a determined effort to defy his helpless senior citizen status and fulfill a lifelong dream, ties thousands of balloons to his house and floats away to Paradise Fall @ South America. Soon after his remarkable lift-off, Carl finds that he has a stowaway: an 8-year-old Wilderness Explorer named Russell. The two find a lost world full of incredible adventures and must learn to survive their new surroundings -- and each other
Some of the moments which reflect on Carl's life with Ellie, the joys and pains, and her death. The tender reflection bring a tear to mommy's eyes, and reminds us of how quickly the years add up. Up conveys a moral that our connection with others is what makes life meaningful.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Long Hair

Mommy has been debating long whether to take Bernice for a haircut. Papa insists NOT to do it until summer. heehee....and Mommy actually likes Bernice with long hair too. It's just hectic sometimes that mommy has to do your hair in the morning when Bernice is not cooperating. Otherwise it doesn't bother mommy or Bernice at all. Bernice has long and lots of hair since you were a baby. So mommy has been clipping and braiding your hair when you were just a baby. I guess it made a habit after all these time!!! I think mommy needs to ask 姨姨 for more nice braiding techniques.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Shopping with Theodore

Friday night after work and school, We meet up with Theodore and 姨姨 for dinner and chitchat! Both Bernice and Theodore enjoy playing at Pottery Barn Kids and did not want to leave at all. And we did some photos and video shootings just for the 2 of you. Mommy loves to watch you 2 playing, always creative and always amusing! 姨姨 has more photos and videos..mommy just uses my cell to do these photos!


Bernice has a new cashier at last!! Bernice loves to swipe the credit card between the couch and pretends to make a payment. So papa & mommy decide to get you a cashier and let you have some fun. And we also open up the superstore megablocks that Godmama gave you at Christmas!! You would line up the products and people and just busy scanning and counting cash for the whole night!!!! Good job!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

向上刷 向下刷

向上刷 向下刷, 不可放任胡亂刷, 應防牙兒黃又黑, 早晨臨瞓都應刷.

爸爸每晚都陪囡囡刷刷牙,希望囡囡能養成好習慣...不過囡囡似乎鏈意食甜甜牙膏多d! 哈哈!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Dinner with 公公

It's been a week we haven't seen 公公 ... so we have dinner with 公公 tonight since he is off today! Mommy brought 公公 to pick up Bernice at school, what a big surprise to Bernice! 古靈精怪嘅囡囡見到公公好似好怕醜咁...要warm up 一輪先叫公公 & 先俾公公抱!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Haa…it’s Bernice response when papa and mama ask Bernice for薯片 .
Bernice said “好辣…好辣….”
Why好辣?? Because she doesn’t wanna share with us!!! How tricky is her!! =)

She would pick up the smallest piece if she decides to share with others on her yummy food.
Like strawberry, chips or anything, she just picked the smallest pieces and give to others!!! Sigh!!!! I don’t know how she learnt that part!

Don't know why mommy can't upload the's probably the file size is too big??!!


Bernice has reached another milestone today!! She didn’t cry when mommy drop her off this morning YEAH!! Bernice says “ByeBye Mama & See you later” and then sit together with other kids for morning snacks!!! =) It made my day!!!!!! Hope that Bernice will be good tomorrow.

Also reviews Bernice’s daily log from teacher. “Bernice adapted well in the environment and she enjoyed art work and really like fire engine car. “ Mommy smiles when reading this comments from the teacher! For the interest of Fire engine car, maybe because we pass by a fire station everyday (there’s a fire headquarter nearby our house) and maybe due to the effect of 無綫劇集”烈火雄心”we have watched few months ago..haa…it’s just funny to read these comments!!

After Daycare Meltdown

Another article mommy is reading "After Daycare Meltdown", good tips about the cold shoulder reaction - or the screaming tantrum reaction ... it's common after a separation. It's good Bernice doesn't has it yet...just after the 1st day of school, she screamed in the car without any reason and just yelled out loud. The article says it might be stress in her day that she can't express or maybe just tired, or it's their way for releasing tension (as they don't know yoga yet!)

Solutions to this is:
• Try to arrange pickup at the same time each day, so they can get used to the idea that you'll be arriving soon and your caregiver can make sure not to have just started a fascinating new activity as you arrive.
• Have a snack handy for both of you for the trip home. Low blood sugar can make everyone grumpy before dinner gets to the table.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bernice & Bridget

Both Bernice and Bridget are the youngest members in our church choir! Bernice is only 1 month older than Bridget. It's delighted to see how you two encounter with each other from time to time. Bridget is such an adorable kid, she always take the initiation to hold Bernice's hand or sits beside Bernice. Bernice also good to share food with Bridget sometimes. Finally mommy has a chance to take pictures just the 2 of you today at lunch after church! Mommy hopes that you 2 can be good friends in the future years!

Girls, simply just love your big smiles~!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Learning To Talk

Mommy is reading some tips from Today's Parent Magazine about Stage Developement.
It tailors information and tips to baby, kids and teens at every step of the way.

The interesting one that mommy read iis about "Learning To Talk", I think Bernice has a very good language skills because she is a 'natural born talker'. She talks in her sleep when she was just few months old....and now how fast she picks up words and songs really amazed mommy and papa. Of course there are plenty of cute mistakes but it's so amusing listen to her talk. Bernice just subsititute her sentence with her own subject, object and verb...

for example: 囡囡曳曳, 爸爸打pat pat, she would reapply it to 爸爸曳曳, 媽媽打pat pat!
and other, when she learnt new word, she will just making the family 囡囡都咁,爸爸都咁,媽媽都咁,爺爺都咁,嫲嫲都咁,叔叔都咁,嬸嬸都咁,姨姨都咁,公公都咁,dordor都咁.........whoever she thinks of just adding onto the list until mommy agrees and stops her. All mommy has to says is "hilarious"!!

Bernice also had a period of stuttering just few months ago, but it didn't last long, maybe 2 weeks. It says explains "... related to the speed with which they are acquiring language, and how urgently they want to communicate. "

Friday, January 8, 2010

1st week of school is Friday, mommy picks up Bernice at school and secretly takes some shoots of Bernice without her notice. She is reading at the corner and doesn’t join the circle with other kids….she looks at them sometimes but mainly just concentrating on her own doing. Bernice is so alert that she sees mommy at a door in few minutes!!!! Mommy brings along the daily log from teacher and let papa reads them. The progress is good and she is taking instruction and just sometimes do not join the circle time as a new comer. The daily log also tell the amount of food Bernice has’s funny she takes a 2nd round most of the time!! =) We also have the 1st art work Bernice did at school!
After school, we spent some fun time with dordor! hoorayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

1st Modelling

心血來潮,無聊整理囡囡舊相, 這輯係囡囡第一次modelling嘅相.囡囡被選中幫Today's Parent影月刋封面. 四分一机會做08年復活節封面Baby. 當時囡囡十一月大, 婆婆都在塲引囡囡望鏡頭. 可惜無緣做封面baby, 不過回想起來都幾得意!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

3rd day of school

Today's Bernice's 3rd day of school . Cried and asked mommy to go home in the midway to school. Cried when mommy dropped off Bernice in class. As per teacher, Bernice only cried for 5 minutes and have been great for the day!!! Eat well and sleep well and play along with others. Able to follow instruction and guess what? Bernice did not want to leave when mommy picked her up at the end of the day!!! It makes mommy so confused or Bernice is the confused one?! =) Bernice says more "No this, no that".......errrr and has a stronger stand with her own instructions and expectations!!! I guess this is part of what mommy describes as "grow-up development"
Afterall mommy feels happy that Bernice enjoys school very much.

Monday, January 4, 2010

1st day of school

Bernice was excited when we talked about how fun school is, eating, playing, reading with other kids, and hopefully she has a smooth transition to school. That was our PLAN!
So, finally…today is the BIG day. Bernice observed the environment and other kids as we entered the classroom. Miss Melissa offered her cookies and milk as morning snack. She sat down and ate together with other kids. Bernice held mommy’s hand and walked around the classroom with a happy smile. So mommy stayed with Bernice for 30 minutes and guess what?! Bernice cried when mommy left. And all other new kids (total of 3) started to cry.

Mommy was a little bit worry and decided to pick up Bernice a little bit early. Daddy has joined as well…and we peeked at the door and Bernice was doing great and playing with toys and other kids. Mommy felt relief and couldn’t wait to hug my baby….and Bernice was so happy to see us!!! Bernice gave mommy a big hug and cuddled mommy so tight!! 1st time having this ‘cozy’ feeling from Bernice!!!
Mommy asked what she had for lunch, Bernice said “yummy noodles” … (Macaroni and cheese) and had 2 bowls of it.
Bernice’s 1st day of school has an overall rating of “GOOD” as per the teachers, because teachers said Bernice did a great job as being first time in a daycare. Bernice did not want to leave at the end of the day!!! Let see what will happen tomorrow!!! =)

Sunday, January 3, 2010


We eats some yummy lunch and go shopping at Vaughan Mills before school starts tomorrow and checking if there any good deals. While mommy is shopping for the winter gear for Bernice, Bernice enjoys herself and tries on shoes and measures if they shoes fit her!!! =) It's so funny to watch Bernice run back and forth to get the right sizes and tells mommy that "囡囡wants this pair of shoes!!" "Wow, it fits 囡囡 wor!" "Wow, 好靚wor!"

Friday, January 1, 2010

Annabella's Visit

Bell Bell jiejie managed to spend few days with Bernice during Christmas holiday. We went shopping and dinner and spent some quality time @ home. Every time when Bell Bell jiejie gone back home, Bernice would cry so hard because of missing her!!! We hope Bell Bell jiejie can come over often and spend more time with Bernice and mommy!!