Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Bernice has reached another milestone today!! She didn’t cry when mommy drop her off this morning YEAH!! Bernice says “ByeBye Mama & See you later” and then sit together with other kids for morning snacks!!! =) It made my day!!!!!! Hope that Bernice will be good tomorrow.

Also reviews Bernice’s daily log from teacher. “Bernice adapted well in the environment and she enjoyed art work and really like fire engine car. “ Mommy smiles when reading this comments from the teacher! For the interest of Fire engine car, maybe because we pass by a fire station everyday (there’s a fire headquarter nearby our house) and maybe due to the effect of 無綫劇集”烈火雄心”we have watched few months ago..haa…it’s just funny to read these comments!!

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