Wednesday, January 6, 2010

3rd day of school

Today's Bernice's 3rd day of school . Cried and asked mommy to go home in the midway to school. Cried when mommy dropped off Bernice in class. As per teacher, Bernice only cried for 5 minutes and have been great for the day!!! Eat well and sleep well and play along with others. Able to follow instruction and guess what? Bernice did not want to leave when mommy picked her up at the end of the day!!! It makes mommy so confused or Bernice is the confused one?! =) Bernice says more "No this, no that".......errrr and has a stronger stand with her own instructions and expectations!!! I guess this is part of what mommy describes as "grow-up development"
Afterall mommy feels happy that Bernice enjoys school very much.

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