Monday, January 4, 2010

1st day of school

Bernice was excited when we talked about how fun school is, eating, playing, reading with other kids, and hopefully she has a smooth transition to school. That was our PLAN!
So, finally…today is the BIG day. Bernice observed the environment and other kids as we entered the classroom. Miss Melissa offered her cookies and milk as morning snack. She sat down and ate together with other kids. Bernice held mommy’s hand and walked around the classroom with a happy smile. So mommy stayed with Bernice for 30 minutes and guess what?! Bernice cried when mommy left. And all other new kids (total of 3) started to cry.

Mommy was a little bit worry and decided to pick up Bernice a little bit early. Daddy has joined as well…and we peeked at the door and Bernice was doing great and playing with toys and other kids. Mommy felt relief and couldn’t wait to hug my baby….and Bernice was so happy to see us!!! Bernice gave mommy a big hug and cuddled mommy so tight!! 1st time having this ‘cozy’ feeling from Bernice!!!
Mommy asked what she had for lunch, Bernice said “yummy noodles” … (Macaroni and cheese) and had 2 bowls of it.
Bernice’s 1st day of school has an overall rating of “GOOD” as per the teachers, because teachers said Bernice did a great job as being first time in a daycare. Bernice did not want to leave at the end of the day!!! Let see what will happen tomorrow!!! =)

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