Saturday, January 9, 2010

Learning To Talk

Mommy is reading some tips from Today's Parent Magazine about Stage Developement.
It tailors information and tips to baby, kids and teens at every step of the way.

The interesting one that mommy read iis about "Learning To Talk", I think Bernice has a very good language skills because she is a 'natural born talker'. She talks in her sleep when she was just few months old....and now how fast she picks up words and songs really amazed mommy and papa. Of course there are plenty of cute mistakes but it's so amusing listen to her talk. Bernice just subsititute her sentence with her own subject, object and verb...

for example: 囡囡曳曳, 爸爸打pat pat, she would reapply it to 爸爸曳曳, 媽媽打pat pat!
and other, when she learnt new word, she will just making the family 囡囡都咁,爸爸都咁,媽媽都咁,爺爺都咁,嫲嫲都咁,叔叔都咁,嬸嬸都咁,姨姨都咁,公公都咁,dordor都咁.........whoever she thinks of just adding onto the list until mommy agrees and stops her. All mommy has to says is "hilarious"!!

Bernice also had a period of stuttering just few months ago, but it didn't last long, maybe 2 weeks. It says explains "... related to the speed with which they are acquiring language, and how urgently they want to communicate. "

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