Saturday, February 27, 2010

God will make a way

This song is singing in my mind all day today...i don't know the reason but it's a good reminder for mommy during the Lent season!
Thank God for the ways He has worked on mommy when I am lost and miserable. Are you going through a tough time too and there seems no way out? Keep trusting in God. He will make a way for you when there seems to be no way. For with Him all things are possible. Hope this song "God will make a way" will support you in continuing to trust in God to work a way for you. Let's continue to pray for each other!

God will make a way

God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way....He will make a way (x 2)

By a roadway in the wilderness
He'll lead me
And rivers in the desert will I see
Heaven and earth will fade
But His Word will still remain
And He will do something new today

Oh God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way...He will make a way

Friday, February 26, 2010

Welcome back Theodore

Welcome back dor dor!! We have finally met after 23 days of separation! We all missed you so much!! We have waited and waited and are!!!! The 2 of you are trying to help with luggage carrying....mommy can't really take good shots of you 2 moving around!!! Looking forward to travel together next time...probably will be a horrible experience for the passengers who are on the same flight!! haaahaaa

Before we go to airport, we wait at BV Mall and Bernice munching 鳳凰卷, and it's your 1st time eating it too...of course Bernice wouldn't share with anyone and just says "媽媽 喉龍痛, 唔好食..." to avoid sharing!! 激死人啦!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sick & Fever

oh my!! Bernice you woke up middle of the night with mild diarrhea luckily!! Mommy gave you Tylenol and your fever has dropped. Mommy still worries so take another day off to take care of Bernice. Another cranky day of Bernice....and glad that 叔叔嬸嬸 came to release the tension a little bit. But you were so upset when they left....!!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sick again!

We thought Bernice has recoved from diarrhea but i guess not!! you had it again today!! So mommy has stayed home with Bernice ... and cranky Bernice just so tired...same as mommy!!
Hope you feel better tomorrow!! No milk for another day!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Bernice has diarrhea today, we have no clue how you caught you have stayed home with papa and mommy have gone to church and Chinese New Year dinner with choir friends. Papa said you were tired and not acting as "real" Bernice! You only ate plain congee for the day....Mommy hopes you feel better soon because we worry about you!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Maria 姐姐 & 爸爸

After Colette's birthday party, we celebrate Maria 姐姐 and 爸爸 birthday at the restaurant with all Peacers. Maria 姐姐 and 爸爸 have the same birthday and Maria 姐姐 is MUCH younger heart!!! =) Maria 姐姐, we wish you 'day day happy, day day pretty, day day healthy."

Happy 3rd Birthday Colette

Happy 3rd Birthday Colette!
We enjoy the birthday celebration with you, Colette. We got to know you better because your mommy has made us answers all these questions that were about you!!! =) It's even blessed to see your growing and Bernice loves to be around with you and call your nickname mimi!~

The 2nd generation of St. Cecilia's choir, pray that all you little angels become God's little helpers in the near future!

Friday, February 19, 2010

School photos

Mommy pickup Bernice from school today as papa and 叔叔 went to Car Show. Ms Soroya has posted new photos that were taken from class for the past month. So mommy took photos of them and created the following collage. =) It's fun to see what Bernice is doing at school and you are happy to see your friends in the photos too!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Birthday 爸爸 & Ash Wed

Happy Birthday to爸爸!We celebrate爸爸 birthday at this charming little house (family run restaurant) at North York. 囡囡 maybe too tired after school, couldn’t sit still and complaining about this and that and insisted spreading butter on the bread by herself and took mommy’s bread and ate butter from the mini cup…etcetc!!!
Afterall, we were happy and satisfied with the meal but we were too tired to do the cake cutting at the we have postponed the cake celebration the next night when grandparents were there too!!
Whenever’s there’s a birthday cake, Bernice always think it’s囡囡 birthday~!!!

Today is also Ash Wednesday, we skipped the mass celebration.....and this year Easter will fall on April 4th, 2010.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Whining & Whining

Aiya..Bernice is such a big whiner!!! Lately Bernice just whine and whine on everything, even on any tiny little thing!!! It drives mommy nuts.............mommy just can't hear what you say when you whine and ended up we upset each other! Is that one of the symptom of "terrible 2"?? =)

Monday, February 15, 2010

年初二& Family Day

We have a day off today on Family Day and it’s also Chinese 年初二 , Bernice worn the chinese dress that 姨姨 brought from Shanghai and we went to Market Village for dim sum with公公& 嫲嫲! 爺爺 is not felling well so he stayed home to rest!! It’s so crowd at the mall and we have waited an hour to get a table and we spent an hour enjoying the tea and dim sum!! Bernice loved shopping at the mall because there are so many Chinese décor and all the children worn Chinese new year costume. The Chinese new year’s fun fun fun was all around the atmosphere!!!

Bernice VS Rubie

We have finally met up Shan 姨姨 for the Chinese New Year. Since it's Shan 姨姨's 1st year giving out 利是, so we must be there and get them!! It's 好意頭!!! ohohoh! Thank you Shan 姨姨 keep Bernice busy to watch people mommy can nap for awhile!!!
祝 Shan 姨姨 & Derrick 叔叔年生貴子, 青春美丽, 甜甜蜜蜜!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010



身体徤康 歲歲平安 年年有餘 新年快樂 心想事成

龍馬精神 青春常駐 出入平安 年年有餘 快高長大

生活愉快 笑口常開 老少平安 虎年行大運

Happy Valentine's Day

Mommy prepares some Valentine's sweets to our friends....hope all of you have a sweet and happy Valentine's Day with your loved ones....extra special to us because it also falls on Chinese New Year 年初一!! More fun and 熱鬧! Yeah!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

2010 Vancouver Olympics

2010 Olympics Winter Game’s opening ceremonies will be held tonight in Vancouver. Mommy is neither a big athlete fan nor Olympics events but the atmosphere around us is quite inspiring. There are many signs, sponsors, posters, products, news of Olympics Vancouver found around us that finally caught mommy’s attention. Bernice’s class also did a craft on the Olympics logo too! From the past, the most interesting game mommy would watch was the figure skating ONLY!!! =)
The weather in Vancouver is so warm that there’s not enough snow for the outdoor games…it’s disappointing and hopefully the weather will get better and have a successful Olympics Winter Game 2010!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010









問卷再次發到同學們的手中,教室裡忽然變得非常寧靜,一張張年青的面龐變得凝重而深沉。幾分鐘後,問卷收了上來,教授再一統計,兩道題,同學們都100% 地選了A。


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Chinese New Year decoration

Ms. Soroya put so many Chinese new year decorations inside and outside the classroom. It's so nicely done that mommy and daddy have to take some nice photos of them. Papa and mommy have took a day off today so we can both drop you off school and pick you up from school. And then we head to Grandpa and have dinner together. We are really look forward to the Chinese New Year! Yeah!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I'm Loving it~

Having a yummy and fresh breakfast at MacDonald’s. Bernice wouldn’t let go of the hotcakes to daddy nor mommy. Only a very tiny piece is allowed. OMG! It’s fun to watch you eating your hotcakes with knife and fork first, and gradually using both hands instead.
Hope that we can have more breakfast together and creating a better bonding between us!! =)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Yummy Yummy

1st time letting Bernice finished the whole strawberry favour ‘yan yan cup’. We actually got this cup from HK back in Oct 2009!!! =) Since it has mommy’s favourite Hello Kitty on the ‘yan yan cup’, so mommy just got it…for the sake of it…!!! Keekeee
But the most rewarding part is watching Bernice happily finished the whole ‘yan yan cup’. Yah!!!

Good Mood

媽媽早咗接囡囡放學,所以同囡囡係學校嘅mini-gym玩一陣, 玩平行朩同行樓梯, 不過難唔到囡囡. 哈哈! 因為囡囡都大個女囉!!! 不過見囡囡咁開心又擺晒pose, 媽媽幫囡囡用手机影相!!

到咗夜晚, 囡囡心情靚,一边玩边唱歌. 爸爸媽媽要估歌仔...因為唔知囡囡唱咩歌... 可能唱緊係學校學嘅新英文歌~哈哈!! 近期主打新歌係 "B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, AND BINGO IS MY NAME O~" 同埋 "hello, hello, How are you today?"... 爸爸 lalalum 拍 video!