Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Birthday 爸爸 & Ash Wed

Happy Birthday to爸爸!We celebrate爸爸 birthday at this charming little house (family run restaurant) at North York. 囡囡 maybe too tired after school, couldn’t sit still and complaining about this and that and insisted spreading butter on the bread by herself and took mommy’s bread and ate butter from the mini cup…etcetc!!!
Afterall, we were happy and satisfied with the meal but we were too tired to do the cake cutting at the we have postponed the cake celebration the next night when grandparents were there too!!
Whenever’s there’s a birthday cake, Bernice always think it’s囡囡 birthday~!!!

Today is also Ash Wednesday, we skipped the mass celebration.....and this year Easter will fall on April 4th, 2010.

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