Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Gym look

As mommy is sick at home and get bored...mommy decides to design me some NEW fashion styles and dress Bernice up, the first one is the Gym look...looks like in the 80's! How do u like it?

Student Look

Another image mommy put on Bernice is "student look"....the green backpack is the smaller version of mommy and daddy's have when they were young. Thank you 姑婆 & 姑丈公 for the tablet set.

Cleaning Lady

Thank you 叔叔 & 嬸嬸 christmas gift to Bernice. As per your thoughts, it will help to train Bernice to be a 賢良淑徳 girl. haa!! I think Bernice did a good job as 1st time using the "easy-rolling, 2-wheeled cart" clearning set that's includes mop, broom, dustpan, scrub brush, buckets, cleaning basin, and spray bottle. Again, thanks for your thoughtfulness. It will help mommy to clean up daddy's junk!!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Friend Gathering

As Uncle John came from HK, we all gather at Kylie's home and have some fun! Having seen each other for so long and glad that everyone is doing great! It's a windy and snowy night at Aurora, our Audi trunk got frozen and cannot close!!!
Another highlight of the day: Bella joins our party and Bernice is very happy, nonstop calling "Bell Bell jiejie" and requests to sit with Bell Bell jiejie everywhere!!!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fong Family Christmas Party

Bernice: The presents are all MINE!

Uncle Ringo dressed up as Santa Clause..and brought us lots of fun!!

Everyone hunts for gifts....how happy is that!

Turkey VS Bernice

dordor, 姨姨 & 姨丈

Some snapshots of the party

This is Money!

Here comes the Fong Christmas Gathering. We have lots of yummy food, presents, and fun!!! In addition, we have a new member to celebrate the joyful season with us. Uncle Ringo family has a new puppy and everyone just loves him so much!! He is so cute and small!! His name is "Money"... all night we call "Money come come~" haahaa!

It's such a blessing to celebrate Christmas with family and the cozy feeling really warms mommy's heart. Hope that 婆婆 is able to celebrate Christmas with us in 2010!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Santa's Girl

Merry Christmas everyone!
May you have a blessed and joyful Christmas!
Thanks Dorothy E E for the lovely family Christmas Photo card!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Joy to the world

berber and dordor, you two such are "joy to the world" ... (in mommy's eyes).
I am so grateful and thankful that you have each other to grow together, to learn together and to play together!! I pray that both of you can be good buddies and be good to each other in the future years. It's a blessing to have someone to share so many precious moments together.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Kylie

Kylie, you are 1!!!Happy Birthday to you, you are such an adorable girl who loves to smile!!!
Thanks for having us to celebrate your 1st birthday. Bernice keep singing “Happy Birthday to Kylie” even we went home!!! I guess she had lots of fun at your party!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Colourful nails

Shopped with 姨姨 at Yorkdale tonight!! 貪靚囡囡 ask 姨姨 to put on the nail polish for her. And creative 姨姨 put on different colours on 囡囡's. How funny is 囡囡 frozed her hand for the whole night as 囡囡 afraid the nail polish will be gone. 囡囡 doesn't wanna wash hand nor put cream on the hand!!! silly you!!! You wake up the other morning and make sure the colour is still on your nails!!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Zachary & Happy 2nd Birthday Bridget

Celebrating Zach Zach's 5th birthday & Bridget's 2nd birthday at Dreams Playland @ Vaughan.
Their party theme is Transformer and Elmo!!! What a crossover combination!! haahaaa!!

We all have so much fun, even mama and papa jumped into the big bouncy castle and bounce with Bernice. Bernice's first time playing the bouncy castle and and we know how much you enjoy it when we see the smile on your face.

Happy Birthday Zachary& Bridget, thanks for having us to celebrate with you two!!

Gingerbread house

Season Greeting card made by 姨姨

約埋姨姨dordor一齊起間gingerbread屋! 其實媽媽同姨姨都係第一次起屋!相比你哋嘅開心程度亦不遜式! 你哋不停望住d糖糖, 姨姨同媽媽不停望住你哋两個唔好偷食d糖糖! 爸爸仲影咗好多相, 順便影埋聖誕節相, HO HO HO!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Shopping @ Eaton Centre

聖誕節快到, 媽媽都未搞點d聖誕禮物呀~!爸爸話 Downtown Eaton Centre 有大減價, 所以放工後接埋囡囡一齊行街街! 可惜叔叔嬸嬸唔可以join我哋啦! 爸爸同囡囡係Dundas Square 影靚相, 因為十分凍,所以只係用咗九秒九影幾張相!上年聖誕節都有嚟,婆婆仲一齊添!

眨吓眼咁就一年啦!! 時間飛逝, 媽媽繼續學習珍惜毎個同囡囡相處嘅時刻~ 囡囡實在大得好快, 有時媽媽覺得你係一個小人仔~媽媽知道囡囡好錫媽媽: 例如人家請你食嘢你一定預埋媽媽一份! 小小年紀嘅囡囡真係氹得媽媽由心笑出嚟! 媽媽希望囡囡長大後都一樣咁乖, 咁聽媽媽話, 仲要聽天主話添!

Sushies Buffet

雖然今晚天氣超凍, 但係我哋一家好耐無出街食飯, 所以爸爸媽媽同囡囡去咗食日本任食。餐廳唔係好忙,所以我哋好快有嘢食! 囡囡係香港開始用筷子, 不過用時較耐! 囡囡見到餐廳嘅木筷子, 緊係要用啦! 不過用用吓就放棄,用噃匙羹舀舀吓…出呼媽媽意料, 囡囡叫媽媽養位俾爸爸坐, 仲要爸爸餵添! 媽媽真係有d唔慣~嘻嘻! 不過無幾耐, 又叫媽媽餵返, 真搞鬼!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

1st snow in 2009

We have our 1st snow in 2009...as you can imagine, the traffic is pretty slow and packed in the morning. It took mommy 2 hours to bring Bernice to Auntie (the babysitter) and then by the time I arrive office is 11am~ You can tell how bad is the traffic because I can actually stop still and wait and wait and wait...and take pictures! haahaa!

messy VS beauty

While waiting and waiting in the traffic....
Mommy says: "Mommy is bored."
Bernice says: "Lum Lum is bored too."
Mommy responses: " At least you can read your book!"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Miss You Most At Christmas time

I have heard this song from radio for the first time last night, very nice melody sung by Mariah Carey. I really like it but it sounds so sad with the lyrics.
I have been thinking and thinking what I miss most at Christmas time….I think definitely my auntie Fanny. She passed away on April 4th 2008. Thank God I was in HK to spent my mat leave for 3 months and I was able to spend some time with her and baby Bernice had a chance to meet her in person. Auntie Fanny was a very loving person even thou she was a tough lady. She has many impacts in my life in different ways. I remember when we were little kids, she loved to get us presents which were wrapped beautifully. When I was a teenager and went back HK for summer vacations, she would referred me to her office to work, so I did spent some time working with her in different places. Her enthusiasm towards her career has amazed me. I believe you are now sitting next to Jesus in heaven, singing praises with the angels and looking down on us. One day we will be united in heaven, sharing the glory and singing Christmas songs together.

P.S these photos were taken at Fanny E's last visit to Toronto in 2004 Christmas.

Miss you most at Christmas Time by Mariah Carey

The fire is burning
The room's all aglow
Outside the December wind blows
Away in the distance the carolers sing in the snow

Everybody's laughing
The world is celebrating
And everyone's so happy
Except for me tonight
Because I miss you
Most at Christmas time
And I can't get you
Get you off my mind

Every other season comes along
And I'm all right
But then I miss you, most at Christmas time

I gaze out the window
This cold winter's night
At all of the twinkling lights
alone in the darkness
Remembering when you were mine

Everybody's smiling
The whole world is rejoicing
And everyone's embracing
Except for you and I

Baby I miss you
Most at Christmas time
And I can't get you
Get you off my mind

Every other season comes along
And I'm all right
But then I miss you, most at Christmas time

In the springtime those memories start to fade
With the April rain
Through the summer days
Till autumn's leaves are gone
I get by without you
Till the snow begins to fall
And then I miss you
Most at Christmas time
And I can't get you
Get you off my mind

Every other season comes along
And I'm all right...
But then I miss you, most at Christmas time

Monday, December 7, 2009


囡囡一向麻麻地跟唔熟悉既人談話或需要d時間warm up…

還特別鐘意抱住軒軒表哥, 粘到實一實, 熱情非常!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wells Christmas Dinner

We first start off with The Wells Christmas Party in 2009...
Enjoy the dinner at Joia Italian Restaurant @ Aurora.
Everything is great and we really have a great time...
Bernice is playing shy and not at all after the meal!

The Crew

Sallen teaches Bernice to do magic with fingers.
You can tell how much they enjoy each other!
Different expressions of Bernice to show
how much she enjoys the food....

Sue & Sean teaches Bernice some Finnish songs and dance.
On the other hand, Lindsay & Shannon dance with Bernice as requested.
Last but not least, a toast and speech to our boss:
"Merry Christmas and we all wish you a prosperity year in 2010.
P.S. We wish to have a 10% bonus in 2010 too!! Cheers!!!"

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Justin & Prisca

Happy 4th Birthday Justin and Happy 1st Birthday Prisca.
Thanks for inviting Bernice to the fun birthday party.
Both of you are the sweetest kids ever!
May God continue to bless you with his abundant love!!

Enjoying the cake and food

Busy running around the playground...Bernice couldn't
go back to the high slide after the 1st failure ... mommy's bad!

Bernice now calling Colette "Mimi" after the party!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Shopping

We met up with E E & dordor to do Christmas shopping after work!!!! WooHoo..so much fun..!
We have not shopped TOGETHER for awhile.....as we all have busy life + so hard to shop with you and dor dor!!! But we enjoyed it very much!!!! Looking forward for more shopping together!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

香港-Mickey, Happy篇

香港-Mickey, Happy篇
媽媽諗Mickey, Happy終於可以有覺好訓~
囡囡非常熱情咁餵東西他們食, 時不時同他們講個不停…

問囡囡掛唔掛住太太… 諗都唔諗話 : NO
問囡囡掛唔掛住婆婆….諗都唔諗話 : NO
之後囡囡諗都唔諗話: 囡囡掛住Mickey ,
囡囡掛住Happy! (婆婆的兩頭小狗)


H1N1 Needle Shot

Finally Bernice have the H1N1 needle at Dr. Ying's tonight. Cried once you saw Dr. Ying...until you saw a box of smarties....and became a happy camper after all and even not remembering you have a sore arm!! You said you would go back to Dr. Ying for needles, just for the Smarties!!! haha~


蘇屋村將被重建, 所以而家變咗做旅遊景點…
太太話多咗好多人影相留念! 其實蘇屋村變咗好多..
媽媽自細已經係蘇屋村打等, 都算係到長大! 很多美好回憶…


上氣唔接下氣~ 小狗主人叫囡囡俾小狗休息一下!! 哎呀~

媽媽既影子…媽媽細個時所影過既Pose, 位置等等! 哈哈!