Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bug bite

Bernice has this really bad bug bite yesterday and the arm became really swollen throughout the night. Bernice couldn't sleep and complaint how hurt, itchy and painful.....!! So mommy decided to go to emergency at 5am in the morning since no doctor will be open on Sunday anyways!!!! Bernice was a good girl when the nurse did the preparation work - measuring temperature, heart rate and checking her arm etcetc and you are being very patience while waiting. It's not a long wait at all.... but once the doctor came, the real Bernice was back! Cried and Cried and we had to hold your arm tightly that the doctor can check on the bite.

Basically doctor said nothing can be done - just let it be and it will be gone in few days!! OH GREAT!! So no medication nor lotion can help or else we can give you benadryl -- to release the itchness. But afterall, you become so we decided not to give you anymore!!!

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