Sunday, May 16, 2010

Church Food Carnival

With God’s gracious blessing, the annually Bazaar was held successfully this year at CMC. St. Cecilia Choir has made a good profit – special thanks to papa’s yummy curry fish ball and squid. We made a great team today. We have a really nice weather and we all had a nice tan afterall. There’s fire truck at the church but Bernice was too scared to get close by or even get into it. Hope you are old enough next year and willing to get into the fire truck and see the inside..(mommy really wanna see but Bernice just pull mommy off and just says ‘fi d’ go go go) =)
姨姨& dor dor dropped by ½ hour and spent some quality time with Bernice.

Thank you Regina姨姨 babysit and play with Bernice most of the day today so mommy can enjoy a little ‘off’ time at church.

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