Monday, May 31, 2010


Since we have been sick quite often mommy decides to make some juice to improve our immune system. But Bernice does not seem to be appreciated....all the comments you have made is "It's Yucky!".........So, mommy ended up finish the cup and decides to do it again tomorrow!! yeah!!! Apple + Carrot + Beet. I'm Loving it!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Owen & Natalia's 3rd Birthday Party

It's Owen & Natalia's 3rd birthday party today!!! We have some fun at the playground. Thanks for having us to join the party and share the joy and fun. It's great to see other PEACE friends in the party. Most of the time, Bernice you just stick with Emman and go play with him ONLY! =)
You just follow Emman and do whatever he is doing's so funny. I guess he is the only friend that you are close to and the rest are just strangers!!!?

Mama for the 1st time playing the slide with Bernice...oh mine, it's quite an adventurous.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Mommy is organizing the scrapbook supplies and Bernice was 'originally' helping out but end up she picks on some Disney stickers and papers and makes your own page. Mommy hasn't picked up any craftwork since you were born Bernice. um.........hopefully next time we can make it together and make some nice family scrapbook! =)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Throat Infection - Antibiotics

Bernice started a fever yesterday and it continues today. So mama takes a day off and visit Dr. Ying today. As mama expect, Bernice gets the virus from mama......
Mama doesn't even know how I get throat infection for the past 3 days...thought it will go away but Dr. Ying said the throat is really swollen and must take antibiotics for the next 7 days. Unfortunately Bernice needs to take the medication as well, includes Tylenol to relief fever. Bernice complaints swollen gum and there's a big canker on the tongue too! Bernice saying "go away, go away"... even sleeping. You can't eat well because the gum is so sensitive. Mama so 心痛...又無助~
After medication, the effect of 發冷發熱.... Bernice, you are so 貼身 to mama, and you just can't let me go even though i am sick...sigh...that's how it get you into the infection. I hope we both feel better soon!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Potty Training

Bernice’s school has started potty training for awhile but mama and papa haven’t REALLY co-operated with school as yet. So we decided to do it this week and have Bernice sits at Potty every 30 minutes and sits for 5 minius or unless there’s an OUTCOME. Bernice is cooperating and showing satisfaction and willingness on potty training. Tonight, Bernice herself offers to take off her diaper and rushes to bathroom whenever there’s a need….successful done for the night.
Whenever she is done, she just said, “ I did it! I did it! ” Yeah!! So we have to do it as a routine and hopefully you do not need any more diaper by the end of this summer!!! Keep it up Bernice!!!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Circus @ Harbourfront

Today is extremely sunny and there is heat alert according to the broadcast. Unexpectedly the weather is not that terrible as our thoughts. Maybe it is by the lake, the wind is quite comfy and relaxing. Thank you Rubie姨姨 & Derrick叔叔 to come along and be mama’s helper. We spend some time to watch the circus performing, walk around at the harbourfront, play at the playground & play in the water. We grab some lunch from Sobey’s and then more walking around the area.

It seems like a busy long weekend but overall we really enjoy it. Looking forward to the NEXT long weekend.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Kids Cooking

After mass at church this morning and we have dim sum with friends…it’s such a long wait because it’s a Victoria Day long weekend. After a short nap, we got to Emman home and ready to do some fun cooking with other little friends, Emman, Theodore, Owen & Natalia. Mama prepares some pita – as pizza crust and have sausages, pepperoni, cheese, tomato, pineapple as the ingredients. I ‘think’ you guys have some fun and enjoy the cooking by yourself. We also make some dessert….but mama think the texture is not too pleasant…so none of you really use the finger to stir or mix the dessert haahaa. So end up the parent did the mixture and you guys decide to play with the toys!! Mama at least feels good that all of you finished your own made pizza haahaa!!! Hope we can have more gatherings in the future!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wonderland 2010

Since we have the 2010 seasonal pass to wonderland, we gotta make good use of it. We have go to our 1st 2010 visit to Wonderland today as the park is opened for the season 2 days ago. It’s a really nice day today even thou it rain a little in the morning but overall, very nice weather, but most of all, no lineups!

Bernice enjoys the new rides at Planet Snoopy lands. We also meet the character in person, Snoopy, Lucy, Charlie Brown, Linus. Bernice you are so afraid to get close to them…but you are so funny to keep saying hi and bye to Lucy….in a distance!! =) And Lucy takes our wagon away while we have our family photos.

Mama is amazed that you are not afraid of the rides…and mama was so “stunned” when you and papa did the “2 hands up” during the rides!!! I guess you really enjoy the rides and you are braver this year! Hopefully we can get to the waterparks when they open in early June and get good use of the 2010 seasonal pass and parking!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Tonight we have Korean dinner with Small Yan姐姐 and she comes to our place to chill a little before her badminton.
Bernice suddenly shows her 一字馬 and all other gymnastics postures that she learnt from Auntie when she was young. Auntie must be proud of Bernice because she still remember the techniques and how smoothly they are done. (竟然無生梳). Bernice also getting so excited and dance “自由舞蹈” -- 拍子步法非常自由奔放! Both mommy and Small Yan 姐姐 have a good laugh.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Shopping & Reading

We do a little shopping at Walmart and spend a good hour reading. It’s been a long day for us and Bernice didn’t have a chance to have nap. But the power of books and music really attract us to stay and flip through the books. We crab a chair from the store and just make ourselves so comfortable. We are happy that no one give us a cold eye just to sit and read at the store! If there’s a cup of coffee for mommy, it will be even greater!! =D

Church Food Carnival

With God’s gracious blessing, the annually Bazaar was held successfully this year at CMC. St. Cecilia Choir has made a good profit – special thanks to papa’s yummy curry fish ball and squid. We made a great team today. We have a really nice weather and we all had a nice tan afterall. There’s fire truck at the church but Bernice was too scared to get close by or even get into it. Hope you are old enough next year and willing to get into the fire truck and see the inside..(mommy really wanna see but Bernice just pull mommy off and just says ‘fi d’ go go go) =)
姨姨& dor dor dropped by ½ hour and spent some quality time with Bernice.

Thank you Regina姨姨 babysit and play with Bernice most of the day today so mommy can enjoy a little ‘off’ time at church.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

House Warming at Emman

A cozy house warming party/house blessing at Wong Family’s new home! Thanks for having us there to share the love and the joy. We hope we can get together more often as we lives closer to each other now! Hohoho….

Bernice first time meeting Nicolas哥哥…oh oh oh, you just love Nicolas哥哥so much that you just follow him everywhere, hold his hands and hug him all the time!! Mommy can’t resist but take a lot of videos of you guys. This is on rare occasions that Bernice would do that…難得!難得!
We enjoy so much of Anna婆婆’s cooking…it’s always the best!

It’s great to see you the little guys having fun with each other. Emman, Jerome, Bernice & Chole, all of you are very close in age, except Therese妹妹…too young to play with you guys but always close by to watch your doing.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Flora & Gabriel Wedding

BIG BIG BIG day for our dear Flo & Gabe. Thanks for inviting us to witness the harvest of your love! We pray God to grant your marriage with all His Love, Peace and Joy. May both of you cherish and treasure each other. =)

Smile of the day: There's a lady wears a nice yellow dress at the banquet, when Bernice sees her, she approaches and says with her sweet loud voice, "Hi Yellow!" The lady returns her with a BIG SMILE!! This is my hillarious little sweet Bernice!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

Bernice has grow a plant and made a card at school and brought home on Friday. Mama is so happy! Bernice has also handwritten a card to grandma and great-grandma too...but we have done that few weeks that grandma and great-grandma can get it on time for the Mother's day in HongKong!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Spener 3rd Birthday Party

Happy 3rd Birthday Spencer!!
We go to Spencer's birthday party at Richmond Hill after the farm and nap. It's nice to see the Pang family again and having fun at the community centre!!!! Thanks for inviting us to the party and sharing the joy and love with us!!! God bless you Spencer and looking forward to see the new member of Pang in Sept 2010!!!

Riverdale Farm

We go to Riverdale farm this early morning, a ‘hidden farm’ in the middle of a busy city! We missed the cow milking but we can still ask questions about the cow and the calves. And then we watch sheep shearing and everyone of us get a hand bracelet that’s made from the wool…COOL!! And we also watch the performance of sheep herding with border collie dogs…and many other animals in the farm ie: Nubian goats, originated in Egypt. This goat has a long drooping ears and they are so friendly. They come along and let the children touch and pet them with a BIG smile~ !