Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring Concert @ school

It's finally here!! After few months preparation for the concert, all of you children have taken great pride learning songs in class and have done a great job! Both papa and mama enjoy very much your wonderful performance. It's Bernice 1st performance in front of so many audiences! We are so pride of you.
As per school , " The Spring Concert is a culmination of a year's work on behalf of each child working on verbal annunciation, artistic development, organization of thoughts and ideas." wow!
Bernice and her friends in class have performed the following songs:
1. Clap your hands
2. When you are one
3. If you are happy
4. Itsy bitsy Spider
5. Ms. Polly
6. A B C
7. Bingo
8. Twinkle, Twinkle
9. Chicken Dance (mommy enjoys the most!!!)
10. Chirp Chirpy...
11. John Jacob

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