Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pet shop

Bernice and Mommy pass by the pet shop and spend some fun time there. Bernice loves puppyies but keep pointing to the poopoo....and laughs....!!!! We also went to the Aquarium section and interact with colourful fishes!!

Nerdy glasses

Bernice dig out mommy's nerdy glasses when she is busy packing!!! This pair of glasses are from a dress up party we had few years back!! Bernice enjoys playing with it! hahaa...

Monday, March 29, 2010

School friends

Mommy has a chance to take some shots of Bernice and her little friends in school. They are all very cooperating and holding hands and standing still for photos. It's funny one friend come at a time to join photo...so we end up with different group of photos!!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Shower hat

How do you like my shower hat this time? Bernice finally willing to wear it when mommy washes your hair. Mommy has been trying and trying for the past year and gave up....and tata...Tonight Bernice thinks this hat is too cool and does not want to take it off......!! Mommy thinks it's the coolest thing and mommy worn the same thing when I was little too!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

HipHop look

How do you like my Hip Hop Look? Wearing papa's hat and it kinda matches my cool outfit!! Let's dance, are you ready baby!!? YoYoYo....

Happy 1st Birthday Marcus

We celebrate Marcus' 1st Birthday in Aurora this morning. Glad to see all the kids have so much fun and enjoy the pizza and cake!! We love your birthday cake Marcus, very pretty and delicious! We wish you good health, wisdom and blessings throughout the year!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Stickers faces

Both Bernice and Theodore like stickers lately and you guys are creative enough to put them onto each other's face! It's great you both spend some good times together just to running around the house and keep each other company!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Cookie the puppy

We have dinner at grandparent's friend home. There's a puppy called Cookie. Bernice acts shy first and after 10 mins, chasing after Cookie and playing ball with her. You brush her fur and Cookie kiss your cheek in return. =) Lovely!!!

4 boys VS 1 girl

We have a play day at Kendrick’s lovely home and we haven’t seen each other for awhile!! All of you have grown so much. Bernice is lucky to have 4 boys playing with her today. We have Kendrick, Javon, Brayden, last but not least, Theodore!! All of you rock like a band, and all of you are using chopsticks to eat!! Isn’t time flies quick?!
Hopefully we can meet more often after we move out to Markham! Yeah!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


We are slowly adding furniture and moving things to condo in Markham…after all these years, we have finally move out from Durham region – daddy & mommy went to high school together in Pickering and have been living there for all the years until we married…and move to Ajax with grandparents for another 2 years!! We have to get all new furniture for the condo basically all the things we haven do not fit into a small cozy condo. Tonight daddy is putting up a storage system by himself…great job daddy and we order take out for dinner. Hopefully we can move out completely by April!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Show time

今晚囡囡心情好好, 載歌載舞...由飯廰跳到客廰...由客廰跳到飯廰!! 爸爸媽媽笑到飛起.. 囡囡自己都引唔住笑!! 媽媽估(99.999%相信) 咁有創意嘅舞步係学校学..因為呢星期係國際文化週, 唱咩歌詞只有囡囡知!!! 哈哈哈!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pleasant guest

Bernice’s lover Bell Bell姐姐 sleep over on Sunday night. Both of you have a blast with each other, singing and dancing and reading and doing all sort of silly things.
Bernice did not want to go to bed at all…and when she wakes up the next morning, all she wants is Bell Bell 姐姐 …叫到Bell Bell頭都暈!! 又改歌詞, 成首歌都係唱Bell Bell …Bell Bell….and Bell Bell!!!

Play date

We have invited Theodore and 姨姨 come over to our home and play with Bernice. It’s been awhile since they have gone to Shanghai. When Bernice sees Theodore is wearing jeans, and requests mommy to change her into jeans! Both of you have a hard time taking nap as you imagined…cried ..cried..cried.. till both of you are too sleepy and fell asleep. We head out to Markham for dinner with 公公, 姨丈. Florence 姨姨 & Javon have joined as well...and they have also came back from their HK trip. It’s been awhile since last time we met!! What a pleasant dinner!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

School life

Bernice is going into her 3rd month of school life!!!!

It's Bernice's snack time when mommy arrives school. For the 1st time Bernice asks mommy to stay behind so she can finish the apple with her friends. So mommy waits and takes some photos of your art work. This week is Ocean week, so we see so many fishes, shells, Octopus everywhere! And also take photos of you and friends sitting together. All of you are being so good and munching apple quietly. Mommy is embrassed to tell you that I am still trying to remember your friends' names haa...

Vlad's mommy come over and tell mommy how sweet Bernice is because you always greet them when you see them in class. Always greet them politely with hello and goodbye. Mommy is so proud of you Bernice. Keep it up!! Two thumbs up!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


We have sushi buffet for dinner tonight..AGAIN! haha But this time we go to a different restaurant. We like the food variety and food quality there...and good deal too! Highly recommended for the sushi lovers!!

Take some photos of Bernice from the dinner, trying to order from the menu for her favourite food and she is not willing to try the sesame ice-cream, can you believe it?? Finally Bernice tries when mommy keep ENCOURAGING you. (Bernice thought it was yucky because it's BLACK!) And have fun with the tongue turns BLACK!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Bernice lately loves to watch Barbie - The Swan Lake VCD that 婆婆 got for Bernice awhile back. The main reason you love it because it's about dancing and have many children in the movie. You just keep watching the movie over and over again. It does not bother mommy much because you only love to watch the 2nd part of the movie with most the dancing scenes. You even invite mommy and papa to dance with you. Lovely!