Saturday, November 20, 2010

Birthday celebration with family & friends

We continue with more birthday celebrations for Bernice. Dorothy E E orders some cupcakes for Bernice. Mommy makes a little castle for Bernice and you just love it and keep telling mommy how pretty the castle is. Mommy is so happy and so touched by your kind words. Bernice you have become a sweeter girl everyday. You keep mommy companion all the time, stand by my side and I just love you more and more each day. I pray God continue to shower you blessings, sending you joy, love, peace and health while you growing up. I am sure you will be a very caring and sweet person all the way. I once again Thank God for you, my lovely angel.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Birthday celebration with PEACE

We have PEACE gathering today and also to celebrate Peace 11th Anniversary + Bernice's 3rd Birthday. Bernice you are such a blessed girl with so many friends who love you so much and keeping you in their prayers everyday. It's amazing to see you grow up with you little friend Emmanuel and I pray for both of you, soon become good instruments of God.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Bernice

My little princess Bernice has turn 3 today! Mommy just can't believe you are a little missy!! Lately you are so in love with Princess movies and Lyn E E gets you 3 princess outfits as your birthday presents!! Bravo!! You are just too cute and too excited to try on each of them. You even pose with your princesses décor and being so “驕俏”! We have a mini cake tonight as there will be so many birthday celebration in the upcoming week. But you are happy enough and dance through the night.

Again, we thank God for taking good care of you in these 3 years. Without God’s blessings, I don’t think mommy can make it!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Eat in the kitchen

Lately Bernice has a new habit to eat rice or drink soup in the kitchen. Mama and Papa find it too funny as we think you are like a little housemaid ~
This time papa decides to join Bernice and eat ‘late dinner’ together in the kitchen. We have video Bernice all sort of questions whether housework is done? washes clothes done? You pause and think for a second, nodding your head answer.. “YES YES”… hahaha! My Bernice is getting funnier each day and actually saying funny jokes/acts and asks, “mama, am I funny?”! You do Bernice!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

1st Hair Cut ever...

AfterFinally....1st hair cut since Bernice's birth and you have been having this long hair for the last 3 years. In fact Bernice loves long hair and so likely requesting 2 ponny tails on your head. This morning Bernice is really cooperating while mama & papa cut your hair. After-all, you are very satisfy with the new hair style and saying it’s very ‘pretty’!! ohoh~

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

School Birthday Party

Since Bernice and Javon’s birthday fall on the same month – Mama & Auntie Florence decide to do a joint birthday party for both of you in class.
It makes a more special and happier birthday celebration. Bernice knew about it from last night and is really looking forward to it.
When mama and papa bring the cupcakes to the class, you were so happy and excited.
There are so many friends in class … total of 26 children to celebrate your 3rd Birthday! How wonderful.
Bernice knew mama and papa have to leave after cake, you have already has tears because you don’t want us to leave!! Silly girl.
We are happy that you enjoy the birthday celebration in school with your little friends.