Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My 1st Playdoh Birthday cake

Mommy gets Bernice a set of Playdoh Baking set and Bernice has successful "made" some good cakes with papa....good job! You can tell how satisfy I am from the photos!! ohoh~

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Boy or Girl??

This is the 20 weeks of Fong baby 2 – half way through the whole pregnancy! Yeah!!!

Today we have regular checked up with Dr. Ho. Thankfully, baby let us see the gender this time!Guess .... Boy or Girl??! Dr. Ho said “It’s a Girl…as I don’t see anything between legs!”
Haa..Haa…it will be a full house of girls. Bernice would love to have a baby sister because she can make ponny tails and make her all pretty!!

Happy Moon Fest too!! Bernice hasn't cried for the last 3 days when mommy drops her off in the morning! She said "I am 霖霖家姐, 唔會喊架!" good!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Moon Festival

We have a causal dinner with 公公, 姨姨 & Theodore at home to celebrate the Moon Festival. 公公 brought us mooncakes and they are so delicious. Look at how happy Bernice is when she tastes it....on the other hand, Theodore doesn't enjoy much of the mooncake, and see who's the happy camper after all? BERNICE!!! She can finish Theodore's part!! =) Bernice school has a little celebration too, and handmade a paper lantern. Bernice also learn a new song for the Moon Festival from Ms Winnie at school. You just repeatly singing this song all day long!!


Thursday, September 16, 2010


Face / Head
Foot / Toes

Fong baby 2 is growing well and healthy as per the ultrasound result on week 19.
But again Fong baby 2 doesn’t want us to know the gender and crossing legs throughout the whole 45 minutes ultrasound.The technician tried hard to find out for mommy…anyways, I guess I have to wait until next Wednesday with we have the appointment with Dr. Ho.
Here is the ultrasound photos, very kind technician given me 3 photos for FREE – (usually $10/photos)!!!
I guess I have no excuse to get new baby clothes with the 40% GAP coupon today!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Inspiring Quote

"A mother is the most important person on earth. She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. She need not. She has built something more magnificent than any Cathedral -- a dwelling for an immortal soul, the tiny perfection of her baby's body. " Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty

Just come across this quote online and inspired and touched by its spirit.
I humbly pray to God for strength and gifts to be a better mommy of Bernice and my little baby in womb. I pray God continuously to shower me blessings: a loving person and good model to my children at all times - the gift of a mother's love. Mother Mary, please pray for us. Amen.

Friday, September 10, 2010

1st homework

Bernice brings home her 1st you are so eager to finish them by yourself and no hesitation to show us you enjoy the class work and all the chinese words and songs you have learn from school~ We are so proud of you Bernice.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My 1st day at Yips' School

1st day of school at Yips...this is my red uniform and school bag! How do you like them?

Bernice, you cry when mommy drops you off in the morning but you are so happy and enjoy when mommy and papa pick you up at end of the day!! It will be a good start for you in this new school.